
New York Drone Injury Lawyer Quoted in Financial Times

Today this Central New York personal injury lawyer was quoted in a prestigious world-wide newspaper, the Financial Times.  The newspaper has an average daily readership of 2.2 million worldwide and has 4.5 million registered users and over 285,000 digital subscribers.  Many investment professionals rely on the Times for discerning economic and investment trends.

The article was titled, “Drones Crash into Regulatory Thicket”. The quote, taken from a telephone interview with me, went like this:

Michael Bersani, a personal injury lawyer in Auburn, New York, said he was expecting an increase in drone-related injury cases, but had not seen any uptick in drone injuries this Christmas. “I think it’s a question of time, because you’ve got the inexperienced recipients of these gifts, and there is plenty of potential for people to be injured”.

The article points out that, even when operated by professionals, drones have had some high-profile mishaps. Therefore, all the new drones gifted to armatures with little or no experience are bound to cause accidents.  The financial repercussions on the drone and insurance industries remain to be seen.

Read my other blog posts about New York drone injury lawsuits and drone law.

If you or a loved one has been injured by a drone in New York, feel free to call me for a free consultation.

Keep safe!

Mike Bersani

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Michael G. Bersani, Esq.
Central NY Drone Accident Lawyers
Michaels Bersani Kalabanka


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