
Articles Posted in Settlements


“But I didn’t Say That!” The Consequences For Your New York Personal Inury Case If Your Doctor Misquotes You In Your Medical Records.

Doctors, nurses, physicians’ assistants and other medical providers are not always good listeners. I know this from personal experience, but also because they frequently misquote my clients in their medical records. For example, I once had a client who tripped on a broken-up walkway on the way into a store…


Lessons For New York Personal Injury Lawyers From Obama’s Syria Debacle: Careful With That “Line In The Sand”!

President Obama reportedly told Syria, in sum or substance, “if you use chemical weapons on your people, we will use punish you militarily”. Then Syria used chemical weapons on its people. But instead of inflicting military damage on Damascus, as promised, Obama hemmed, hawed, asked his allies what they thought,…


Nothing Is Certain Except Death And Taxes (Except If you Have A Personal Injury Settlement!)

Tax season, which is now upon us, is, for most people, about as fun as sticking a fork in your eye. But your Central New York personal injury lawyer brings good tax news for personal injury victims! You’ve all heard the refrain, “nothing is certain except death and taxes”. That’s…


CNY Injury Lawyer Discloses The Solution To Frvolous Lawsuits

Are you against frivolous lawsuits? Good, me too. Not to worry. I’ve got the solution. Hold on. First a story. Several years ago, a fellow Central New York personal injury lawyer secured a famously large settlement on a personal injury case. At a party a few days later, someone took…


Neck Injury That Starts Out As A $100,000 Case Ends Up Settling For $1.4 Million.

A client of mine is having a very merry Christmas indeed. I already blogged about his Waterloo, New York car accident case. Guy was passenger in his buddy’s car, who was stopped and waiting for traffic to clear so he could turn left into a driveway. Driver from behind, lost,…


Five Deadly Mistakes You Can, And Probably Will, Make If You Try To Settle Your Personal Injury Case Without A Lawyer, PART V.

This is the fifth and final part of the 5-part blog series about the pitfalls of trying to settle your own New York personal injury claim without a lawyer. Here’s pitfall number 5: 5. WATCH OUT FOR VULTURES. In some cases, you can’t take the settlement money without others, officially…

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